DONA Masala Chai Spice Dust

DONA Masala Chai Spice Dust
About this product
We upcycle these spices from our brewing process to create a light, aromatic powder to dust over DONA lattes.
Small steps add up. After brewing, we send what we cannot reuse to McEnroe Organic Farm in Upstate New York to be composted- that's over 400 gallons of food scraps diverted from
landfills each week. Less waste = a healthier
supply cycle.
Latte ready. How to pour our signature lunar latte:
Mix DONA concentrate equal parts with milk in a steam pitcher
Steam to desired texture and temperature
Pour into desired cup
Using a to-go lid - slightly larger than the drink cup - cover half of the top of the latte
Using a small wire mesh sieve, dust DONA spice blend over the top of the drink